קטלוג מוצרים ULPA - AAF

File R2570 Vol 9 Auth. Page 2 Issued: 1995-04-07 Revised: 2015-12-07 It is the responsibility of the Listee/Classified Co. to make sure that only the products meeting the aforementioned requirements bear the authorized Marks of UL LLC, or any authorized licensee of UL LLC. This Follow-Up Service Procedure contains information for the use of the above Manufacturer(s) and representatives of UL and is not to be used for any other purpose. It is provided to the Manufacturer with the understanding that it will be returned upon request and is not to be copied in whole or in part. This Follow-Up Service Procedure, and any subsequent revisions, is the property of UL and is not transferable. This Follow-Up Service Procedure contains confidential information for use only by the above named Manufacturer(s) and representatives of UL and is not to be used for any other purpose. It is provided to the Subscribers with the understanding that it is not to be copied, either wholly or in part unless specifically allowed, and that it will be returned to UL, upon request. Capitalized terms used but not defined herein have the meanings set forth in the GSA and the applicable Service Terms or any other applicable UL service agreement. UL shall not incur any obligation or liability for any loss, expense or damages, including incidental, consequential or punitive damages arising out of or in connection with the use or reliance upon this Follow-Up Service Procedure to anyone other than the above Manufacturer(s) as provided in the agreement between UL LLC or an authorized licensee of UL LLC, including UL Contracting Party, and the Manufacturer(s). UL LLC has signed below solely in its capacity as the accredited entity to indicate that this Follow-Up Service Procedure is in compliance with the accreditation requirements. Bruce A. Mahrenholz Director North American Certification Program