קטלוג מוצרים ULPA - CRUMA

SIZES (mm) 800 750 329 800 776 800 597 610 1122 720 390 135 75 600 566 Vitrina C VIS 800 750 329 800 776 800 597 610 1122 720 390 135 75 600 566 Vitrina CRUMA 870 Escala: VISTAS 870 FL- rev VERTICAL LAMINAR FLOW FOR SAMPLE PROTECTION MAIN STRUCTURE Metallic parts 1.2 mm galvanized steel, coated with antiacid polymer powder resin thermo-hardened at 200 ° C Transparent polymethylmethacrylate 8 mm thick (light transmission of 93%) Side Panels SIZES (MM) External Internal Width 800 775 600 560 1125 740 Depth Height Width Depth Height