1 2 Materiale Die-cast aluminium Colorazione White RAL 9010 (natural silver-grey on request) Descrizione • [1] Eighth of a sphere • [2] Quarter of a sphere Colour White RAL 9010 (silver anodized natural on request) Description Support coupling system support, fully compatible with R70, for the high-precision connections between wall and ceiling built in-house (see 3.1 T Ceilings - composition). Material Extruded aluminium alloy 6060 Colour White RAL 9010 (silver anodized natural on request) Description Support coupling system, with click-on profiles, for the highprecision connections between walls and high-load false ceilings (see 3.2 false ceilings - high load). Bending radius - 70 mm. Material Extruded aluminium alloy 6060 R70N - FALSE CEILINGS R70 - FALSE CEILINGS R70N E R70 CONNECTIONS This drawing is the exclusive property of Easypharma Srl and all extraction, reproduction or release to third parties is strictly prohibited without prior authorisation. Easypharma Srl shall protect and enforce its rights pursuant to the laws in force. 45 60 60 R70 HLFC 60 60 22 45 R70N P_16