TYPES PB 2WAYS PASS-BOX VERSION WITH 2 WINGS FOR 2-WAY TRANSIT PT 2WAYS PASS-TROLLEY VERSION WITH 2 WINGS FOR 2-WAY TRANSIT PB 3WAYS PASS-BOX VERSION WITH 3 WINGS FOR MULTIPLE WAY TRANSIT PT 3WAYS PASS-TROLLEY VERSION WITH 3 WINGS FOR MULTIPLE WAY TRANSIT PB L PASS-BOX VERSION WITH L-SHAPED DOOR WING PT L PASS-TROLLEY VERSION WITH L-SHAPED DOOR WING PB DOUBLE VERSIONS WITH 2 STACKED PASS-BOXES (4 WINGS) AND MULTIPLE DIRECTION INTERLOCKS (MATERIAL ENTRANCE/EXIT) PT 2WINGS PASS-TROLLEY VERSION WITH DOUBLE WING DOOR FOR TRANSIT DIMENSIONS OF > 1000 MM This drawing is the exclusive property of Easypharma Srl and all extraction, reproduction or release to third parties is strictly prohibited without prior authorisation. Easypharma Srl shall protect and enforce its rights pursuant to the laws in force. P_56
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