קטלוג מוצרים ULPA - fiocchetti

PRODUCT C A T A L O G 2025 Fiocchetti | Scientific Refrigerators ULPA Clean rooms & Laboratories

אודות החברה משווקת מקררים ULPA Clean Rooms & Laboratories חברת מאיטליה, הידועה Fiocchetti ומקפיאים למעבדות מתוצרת באיכות מוצריה בתחום הקירור למעבדות. מקררים ומקפיאים אלו מתאימים לאחסון דגימות, ריאגנטים ותרופות, ומספקים בקרת טמפרטורה מדויקת ותנאי אחסון אופטימליים. מספקת מגוון דגמים בגדלים שונים, המותאמים לצרכי ULPA המעבדה, תוך הקפדה על איכות החומרים, בידוד יעיל ועמידה בתקנים המחמירים ביותר.

משרד הבריאות חטיבת טכנולוגיות רפואיות, מידע ומחקר Ministry of Health Medical Technology, Information and Research Division מדינת ישראל STATE OF ISRAEL Medical Devices Department אגף ציוד רפואי אישור רישום בפנקס הציוד הרפואי ניתן בזאת אישור , כי בהתאם לבקשת רישום מס : 37030001 הציוד הרפואי )אביזרים / מכשירים רפואים ) אמ''ר (( הבא : Fiocchetti פיוקטי-מקררים ומקפיאים לאיחסון דגימות שם הציוד הרפואי 1. Emoteca Series 2. Plasma Series קבוצות לשימוש בבתי חולים, מרפאות ומעבדות יעוד הציוד הרפואי . אחר - איחסון והקפאה של דם, מוצרי דם ונוזלים אורגניים, פלסמה, קריופרציפיטטים, כדוריות אדומות, חלב אם 1 ודגימות נוספות התויה קריית ביאליק ; ישראל 3 אולפא חדרים נקיים ומעבדות בע''מ ; יוסף לוי שם בעל הרישום וכתובתו FIOCCHETTI SCIENTIFIC S.R.L ; 42045 Luzzara (RE) – Via Panagulis 48 ; ITALY שם היצרן וכתובתו FIOCCHETTI SCIENTIFIC S.R.L - 42045 Luzzara (RE) – Via Panagulis 48 - ITALY .1 שם אתר היצור וכתובתו התניות נרשם בפנקס הציוד הרפואי )האמ"ר( במשרד הבריאות. תוקף האישור לשיווק הציוד הרפואי )האמ''ר( הינו ליעודים ולהתוויות המתוארים לעיל בלבד. האישור בתוקף עד : 31/12/2028 26/11/2024 תאריך חתימת האישור

משרד הבריאות חטיבת טכנולוגיות רפואיות, מידע ומחקר Ministry of Health Medical Technology, Information and Research Division מדינת ישראל STATE OF ISRAEL Medical Devices Department אגף ציוד רפואי הנחיות - לפי הוראות היצרן שאושרו ע"י גוף מאשר ממדינה מוכרת, ובכפוף להוראות כל חיקוק, ו/או חוזרי ונהלי משרד הבריאות. ומערכת איכות בתוקף. CE - אישור בהתאם לאישור - השימוש בציוד הרפואי הוא עפ"י הוראות היצרן, כפי שאושרו ע"י הגוף המאשר. - תוקף תעודה זו מותנה בקיומה של תעודה המעידה על כך כי תנאי הייצור הנאותים במפעל בו מיוצר הציוד הרפואי תואמים את דרישות )להלן – "תעודה 2013 )א( לתקנות ציוד רפואי )רישום ציוד רפואי בפנקס וחידושו(, התשע"ג– 19 כאמור בתקנה ISO 13485 תקן המעידה על תנאי ייצור נאותים"(. תוקף תעודת רישום הציוד הרפואי בפנקס יפקע אם תוקף התעודה המעידה על תנאי ייצור נאותים פקע ולא חודש. - תוקף תעודה זו מותנה בכך שהציוד הרפואי יובל ויאוחסן בידי מי שמחזיק אישור של גוף שהכיר בו המנהל, כי תנאי האחסון וההובלה . 2013 לתקנות ציוד רפואי )רישום ציוד רפואי בפנקס וחידושו(, התשע"ג– 20 , כאמור בתקנה ISO 9001 שלו תואמים את דרישות תקן נרשם בפנקס הציוד הרפואי )האמ"ר( במשרד הבריאות. תוקף האישור לשיווק הציוד הרפואי )האמ''ר( הינו ליעודים ולהתוויות המתוארים לעיל בלבד. האישור בתוקף עד : 31/12/2028 26/11/2024 תאריך חתימת האישור

PHARMACY LINE Refrigerators and freezers

2 100% INNOVATION For more than 50 years, Fiocchetti has been designing and manufacturing refrigerators and freezers dedicated to the use in pharmacies, laboratories and hospitals. The respect of the most stringent sector regulations has always been assured: medical grade products and thermosensitive, biological materials, requiring an accurate control over storage conditions are continuously granted an ideal environment. WIDE RANGE OF REFRIGERATORS FOR PHARMACIES Fiocchetti’s refrigerators series, available with controllers ECT-F, ECT-F PLUS and ECT-F TOUCH, fit perfectly into your pharmacies thanks to their appealing and clean design, updated in terms of style and performances, to always store your products at best. REFRIGERATORS with single or double temperature ranges settings, FREEZERS for celiac disease products, COMBINED (refrigerator + freezer chamber) are available in a large variety of capacity and dimensions, with customizable internal fittings. DESIGN The continuously improved structures for both dimensions and shape will maximize the use of inner space. The chassis in white antibacterial coated steel grants a perfect cleaning of the inner chamber and of the outer structure, offering rounded bottom and corners. Some models are also available with interior in AISI 304 stainless steel. The full set of equipment features a triple layer, tempered glass door, anti-fog type and thermally insulated. This will allow you keeping the stored goods under control, while preventing unnecessary door opening. On request, some models may be solid-door type. The all-length, aluminium door handle grants a firm handgrip. Door gasket is magnetic type; a door stop device will keep door open at 90°. The ceiling-type evaporator will increase the actual storage capacity of refrigerators since the inner space can be fully used. The enhanced accessibility to the inner space will make routine maintenance and after sales service easier; for instance, the monthly programmed condenser cleaning is simplified thanks to the quick access to the detachable front condenser panel. TEMPERATURE-CONTROLLED REFRIGERATORS FOR PHARMACIES

3 CARE AND CUSTOMIZATION TOP PERFORMANCE AND GREEN TECHNOLOGY POWER SAVING AND RESPECT FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Internal LED lighting: it decreases up to 75% power consumption and improves the life of LED bars in time, when compared to bulbs. Standard for ECT-F TOUCH range, the Night&Day function allows to increase the set point of a certain value and to manage the light in a smart way, to assure a further energy saving during nighttime, closing time or holidays. Lower energy consumption: while preserving the top-level performance of the refrigerators, energy consumption is significantly reduced. This goal is reached by using highly efficient compressors, which allow adaptive defrost only when necessary, and thanks to the improved insulation thickness, capable of decreasing thermal dispersion. Use of “green” cooling gases: we only use environment-friendly cooling mediums, fully respecting F-gas regulation. Selection of long-lasting, recyclable, eco-friendly materials, low environment impact type such as aluminium and water-based foamed-in structures, for good manufacturing and end-of-working-life practices. CUSTOMIZATION Fiocchetti’s refrigerators and freezers can be prearranged with: • shelves made of white plasticized steel, mounted on antitilt clips. • aluminium drawers, fully extractible on telescopic slides, handy, lightweight, and durable, supplied either with internal dividers to arrange small medicines boxes neatly, or without any inner compartment to accommodate larger items. • drawers made of wire steel, fully extractible on telescopic slides, with higher sides. • baskets made of steel for larger models (i.e. 700 and 1500), also on telescopic slides, with high volume storage capacity. • castors, the front ones with brakes, to easily move the refrigerators when needed. • lock with key for ECT-F and ECT-F PLUS, or electric-digital type for ECT-F TOUCH. CONNECTIVITY FEATURES Touch series of our refrigerators and freezers offers connectivity options either in a local net via the supplied Ethernet port and optional monitoring software (Fiocchetti Lan Supervisor), or from remote through a WI-FI module, or finally thanks to a Cloud based application (Fiocchetti Cold Eyes). This system includes features such as SMS and email delivery, a dedicated App and a comprehensive supervision at the distance for a prospective immediate solution of technical issues. Ask our sales department for further information!

4 L P H Professional scientific refrigerators MEDIKA® 2T have been specifically designed for the sector of pharmacies: two settable temperature ranges, two cooling units and two independent chambers allow the best management of different types of stored goods. Each chamber can be independently set between +2° and +15°and has acoustic and visual alarms functions A historical log of these events can be visualized on the display. The series spans from a capacity of 280 to 1500 litres, with triple layers glass doors, and allows to customize the desired internal fittings with shelves, drawers and/or extractible baskets, according to the various models. MEDIKA® 2T series refrigerators fully comply to Pharmacopeia and to the European sector regulation. They are available with ECT-F, ECT-F PLUS ECT-F TOUCH controller, according to the required specifications. Medika 280 2T 280 lt (140+140) L 520 P 665 H 1755 H 1665* Medika 500 2T 500 lt (250+250) L 720 P 760 H 2080 Medika 400 2T 400 lt (200+200) L 600 P 660 H 2020 Medika 600 2T 600 lt (300+300) L 1040 P 660 H 1960 series MEDIKA® 2T +2°C +15°C Medika 500 2T Medika 600 2T Medika 400 2T Medika 280 2T * in the ECT-F version

5 L P H Medika 800 2T 800 lt (400+400) L 1200 (60+60) P 660 H 1960 Medika 1500 2T 1500 lt (750+750) L 1500 (750+750) P 845 H 2100 Medika 1000 2T 1000 lt (500+500) L 1440 (720+720) P 760 H 2080 Medika 1000 2T Medika 1500 2T Medika 800 2T series MEDIKA® 2T +2°C +15°C

6 L P H The single-range temperature and single-chamber refrigerators belonging to MEDIKA®, series, which can be set from +2 to +15 °C, are available in a wide range of capacities to answer the most various demands of medicines and vaccine storage: from 100 litres for small facilities, up to 1500 litres for pharmaceutical warehouses or depots. Inner space can be organized with shelves, drawers and/or baskets in various dimensions and type, according to the offered model. Refrigerators are also available with solid door (LABOR series) and ECT-F, ECT-F PLUS or ECT-F TOUCH controller type: each range includes the comprehensive alarms notifications to answer the demands of the sector regulations, plus the specific features of each controller. Medika 100 100 lt L 520 P 635 H 815 H 710 Medika 200 200 lt L 600 P 660 H 1460 Medika 140 140 lt L 520 P 635 H 935 H 830 Medika 170 170 lt L 600 P 660 H 1285 Medika 250 250 lt L 600 P 660 H 1635 * * Medika 170 Medika 200 Medika 140 Medika 100 Medika 250 series MEDIKA® +2°C +15°C * in the ECT-F version

7 L P H 400 lt L 600 P 660 H 1960 Medika 700 700 lt L 750 P 845 H 2100 Medika 500 500 lt L 720 P 760 H 2080 Medika 1500 1500 lt L 1440 P 830 H 2070 Medika 500 Medika 700 Medika 400 Medika 1500 Medika 300 300 lt L 520 P 660 H 1960 Medika 400 Medika 300 serie MEDIKA® +2°C +15°C

8 L P H Vision 400 400 lt L 600 P 670 H 1960 Vision 700 700 lt L 750 P 870 H 2100 Refrigerators and combined refrigerators and freezers, with glasstype doors, developed for the storage and display of frozen or fresh foodstuffs for celiac-disease patients. In combo units, the refrigerator chamber can be destined to the preservation of drugs The triple layer, low- heat emissive glass doors grant insulation while allowing the instant verification of the content, without any door opening. The ergonomic door handle in anodized aluminium, all-length type, assures a firm and safe handgrip. The adaptive defrost prevents any ice formation. The safety level granted for your foodstuffs for celiac-disease patients is the same destined to drugs. Every model is available with ECT-F, ECT-F PLUS or ECT-F TOUCH controller. Vision 400 2T 400 lt (200+200) L 600 P 660 H 2020 Vision 500 2T 500 lt (250+250) L 720 P 760 H 2080 Vision 700 2T 700 lt (350+350) L 720 P 855 H 2030 Vision 400 2T Vision 500 2T Vision 700 Vision 400 series VISION & VISION 2T -15°C -20°C +2°C +15°C -15°C -20°C Vision 700 2T

9 L P H undercounter and embedded refrigerators DOCTOR 85 0°C +20°C Doctor 85 87 lt L 54 P 53,6 H 81,5 Undercounter and embedded refrigerator, with solid door, display with alarm visible even during power failure. Compact, scientific refrigerator, undercounter, and which can be embedded, when necessary, our model DOCTOR 85 has been especially designed to fit in when space is reduced and still drugs need to be stored at controlled temperature. Our professional refrigerator DOCTOR 85 joins professional components, safety devices and a comprehensive internal fitting: it offers nr 3 drawers with inner dividers, nr 1 shelf, lock with key, ECT-F PLUS DIN controller, with buffer batteries to signal alarms during power failure, anti-freeze safety device and dry contact to remote alarms signal. The inner led light will turn on at door opening. Reversible door-hinge side, ergonomic handle, removable in case necessary, when the refrigerator is to be embedded into existing furniture. Safety key lock supplied as standard. Inner and outer structure are made of plastic, thermoformed material, while the air ventilation zone is made of AISI 304 stainless steel.

10 100% SAFETY Total control over the “refrigerator as a system” and data recording of every possible event connected to the life of the unit. - Double feeding, double compressor relay and double defrost relay to grant the working of the equipment even in case of irreversible failure. - Alarms signalization (temperature/open door/power loss) and failures - Protection against high condenser temperature - Protection against low evaporator temperature - Protection against temperature-setting controller sensor - Safety device: anti-freeze safety (for refrigerators only) and overheating - Multi-users, selective management of functions and authorizations via customized passwords 100% DIAGNOSTIC Self-diagnostic, with functional tests and failures prevention. - Notification of clogged condenser - Notification of cooling system low in gas - Notification of unbalanced sensors (discrepant temperature reading) - Notification of pcb board excessive temperature - Notification of low mains input ECT-F TOUCH Top-level supervising electronic joining the highest safety features and the easiest operation performance for everybody. The refrigerators and freezers belonging to ECT-F TOUCH range offer temperatures and data recording over the last 10 years; information can be downloaded either on a pc through a supplied SD card (software included) or directly though the USB port situated on the front panel. 100% CONNECTIVITY - Data recording on SD card and inner flash memory, sampling every 30 sec. - USB port for software update and data download - Ethernet port RJ45 for connection to LAN - Slot for SIM Card. (optional GSM module) - DMLP Touch Digital Monitor module (optional) for continuous recording via independent PT100 sensor - Mod-bus communication protocol for the connection to pre-existing supervision systems - Wi-fi module, optional - Additional monitoring systems: • Cloud base monitoring: FIOCCHETTI COLD EYES, gateway with included micro-Sim for remote equipment monitoring, SMS delivery, email and dedicated app, data display and download • For local net: FIOCCHETTI LAN SUPERVISOR allows the connection of up to 100 devices in the same local net, with visualization software and alarms via email Software Capture 5.2 supplied within the SD Card. TUTORIAL function: integrated interface to display at any time the multimedia files for both users (instructions videos and use and maintenance manual) and service (electric wiring, exploded view files). Temperatures daily graph with search options by date. Instructions video for correct use and maintenance. The 7” touch screen display is highly user-friendly and provides a comprehensive set of control and command functions, beside the access to the following recorded data: - Real temperature, precision 0,1°. The set-point can be modified directly from the display. - Real-time graph of the refrigerator temperature, customizable, to display up to 3 different probes curves (Ect-f thermostat, evaporator, condenser, and, if present, humidity probe, Dmlp Touch probe and additional product temperature simulation sensor or second chamber). The multi-trace graph shows in real-time the temperature variations of the last 6 hours, with zoom-in features, when necessary. - Energy consumption values (over the last 24h, instant, etc.) - Status of the refrigerator - Input power value. Status of batteries (optional) - Icon-type commands to access the settings and user’s panel - light - electric - digital lock (optional) - graph details. top level supervision electronic ect-f touch

11 ECT-F & ECT-F PLUS Latest generation controllers, resolution 0,1° and alphanumeric, backlit display, menu available in 5 languages. Clear and detailed information regarding the working status of the equipment is available on the display, as well as all detected temperature anomalies. A password, when activated, will identify two distinct access levels for the controller (i.e. User and Service), protecting working parameters, the ON/OFF (on request), as well as the operative set-point. The interactive display can be customized by the user and permit the instant check of all the settings for a quick troubleshooting (Doctor View function). Special functions such as Stop-On-Door and advanced adaptive defrost allow a highly advanced management of this phase, reducing thermal peak variations and consumption. Standard SPECIAL FUNCTIONS - Advanced defrost: thanks to the continuous monitoring of minimum and maximum evaporator temperatures reached during each cooling cycle, the controller automatically triggers a defrost in case of excessive ice on the evaporator coil. Advantages: lower power consumption and greater temperature homogeneity. - Stop on Door: this function is activated when the door is opened. The compressor stops cooling preventing the excessive lowering of evaporator temperature. Advantages: lower thermal shock after door opening Alarms signals for: - Open door - High temperature - Low temperature - Power failure (when power is back and if temperature has exceeded the high limit) - Clogged condenser ● Optional Standard Not available Resolution (°C) 0,1 0,1 0,1 User interface LCD LCD 7” Touchscreen Acoustic and visual alarms Power failure alarm (displayed when power is back) Power failure alarm ● Enregistrement alarmes et données Alarms and events recording Min/Max temperatures recording ● Real-time temperature and data recording USB/SD/SIM ports Night & Day function SAFETY Dry contact to remote alarms signalization Antifreeze and overheating safety ● Power and tension sensors ALARMS AND FAILURE (ACOUSTIC AND VISUAL) High/low temperature High temperature caused by power failure ● Open door High temperature caused by open door Clogged condenser High condenser / Low evaporator temperature Temperature sensors error DIAGNOSTIC Tension and power monitoring of electric loads Self-diagnose tests on electric loads AVAILABLE ACCESSORIES Rechargeable back-up batteries ● Independent recording system DMLP ● Electric-digital key lock ● Mechanical key lock ● ● Module GSM - Module Wi-Fi ● Cloud monitoring system (Fiocchetti Cold Eyes) ● Connection to an external monitoring system Modbus RTU Modbus TCP/IP Conformity DIN 13277 for drugs ● ● CONTROLLER FEATURES Beside the features of ECT-F, ECT-F PLUS will also provide: - Rechargeable back up batteries for up to 48H (24H for 2T ranges) - Temperature display during power failure - Min/max temperature data log - Dry contact to remote alarms signalization

The manufacturer reserves the right to modify the features of the products shown in catalogue for technical or commercial reasons. The pictures may not reflect the standard configuration DEP111 REV. 0 - 2024 FIOCCHETTI SCIENTIFIC S.R.L. Via Panagulis, 48 - 42045 Luzzara (RE) - ITALY Tel. +39 0522 976232 - fax +39 0522 976028 info@fiocchetti.it - www.fiocchetti.com APPLICATION FIELDS PHARMACIES AND VACCINES HOSPITAL, MEDICAL AND LABORATORY TRASFUSION BLOOD BANKS AND PLASMA FREEZERS CONNECTIVITY AND MONITORING SOLUTIONS PRIVATE CLINICS AND MEDICAL PRACTICES MORTUARY CHAMBERS AND REFRIGERATORS LIFESCIENCE AND INDUSTRY REFRIGERATORS FOR TRANSPORT

Product technical data sheet ULTRAFREEZER 360 Cod. ULV0361 FIOCCHETTI SCIENTIFIC S.R.L. Headquarter: Via Panagulis, 48 - 42045 Luzzara (RE) Italy VAT No. IT00934960352 Phone +39 0522 976232 - Fax +39 0522 976028 www.fiocchetti.com - Email: info@fiocchetti.it - Pec: fiocchetti@pec.it Characteristics Disclaimer: Images are purely indicative. The features and the accessories of the products may differ according to model and application. Temperature range -50°C / -86°C Capacity 360 lt (12,72 cu ft) External dimensions (WxDxH) cm 75,5x89x199,2 Internal Dimensions (WxDxH) cm 45x62,6x127,6; Weight kg 285 Structure and insulation Stainless steel 18/10 AISI 304 inside and pre-coated steel white colour- outside; insulation polyurethane thickness 130 mm Door Nr 1 blind door pre-coated steel white colour + nr.2 hinged inner-doors Key lock Rollers • Castors with brakes Internal equipment Nr.3 shelves + bottom Controller Digital electronic thermostat with 7” touchscreen Alarms Acoustic and visual far temperature deviations (high and low), door open, condenser high temperature, failures, power failure and low battery. The alarm system is fed by an automatic recharging battery, so it can work also during a power failure. Data and event recording Daily temperature graph always available on the 7" Touchscreen. Inner memory of the last 180 days, with download from USB port (software included). Connectivity USB port; Dry Contact; Ethernet port RJ45 Pass trough port mm 26 Refrigeration Type Static Technical data Technical Data • Nr.2 compressors, cascade system • Refrigerant type: R455A in the first stage; R170 in the second one. Gas CFC free. • Mains Voltage 230V/1/50Hz • Instant power consumption: 0,68 kW (3,6 A} • Daily consumption: 8,5 kWh/24H • Heat emission: 320 W • Noise level: <52 dBA • Ambient Temperature: +10/+25 °C; humidity 60% • Connector: Schuko In accordance with 2014/30/UE, 2014/35/UE, 2011/65/UE (ROHS II) and following modifications Package Wooden case Dim. cm.107x107x223; Kg.369

FIOCCHETTI SCIENTIFIC S.R.L. Headquarter: Via Panagulis, 48 - 42045 Luzzara (RE) Italy VAT No. IT00934960352 Phone +39 0522 976232 - Fax +39 0522 976028 www.fiocchetti.com - Email: info@fiocchetti.it - Pec: fiocchetti@pec.it Accessories Additional Shelf PT1OO probe (free contacts) CO2 Back-up system LN2 Back-up system Voltage stabilizer High pressure tube 2 mt or 1 mt Stainless steel storage racks Storage boxes realized in water-proof cardboard Cryo-gloves 60 Hz Frequency 115 V