6/7 Smart Compressed Air System Monitoring Software The Service Provider licence is designed for compressed air service companies that offer their services to customers. Service companies are able to monitor their customers' compressed air systems anywhere in the world. Each client is isolated and the service provider is able to give the end users access to their own system. User and Access Power Meter Factory A User 1 User n User 2 S4M SaaS Cloud Service Service Provider S4M SaaS Cloud Service Power Meter End Client 1 Power Meter End Client 2 Power Meter End Client n End Client User 1 End Client User 2 End Client User n The end user licence is designed for compressed air system operators and facility management. This licence provides access to the company's compressed air system throughout the plant and across multiple sites. The system can be accessed by multiple users within the same organisation. Power Meter Factory B End User License Service Provider License